Newly discovered species from partial jawbone and partial legbone!
Evolution shows that humans aren’t wired for monogamy, especially men!
God had no role in the creation of the universe!
In the past few weeks, I have read three articles by scientists, who manage to poo-poo faith and religion while simultaneously demonstrating that they, themselves, hold their own faith and religion.
The first article was about a potential new species that was discovered. It seems some paleontologists located a part of a jawbone and a fragment of a leg bone that points to a new species of ocean going animal that may have been a predecessor of land animals. They go on to tell the foods it ate, the way it hunted, and the unique ways it could walk on land and swim in the sea. An artist’s sketch was given to help us picture it in its original environment. Wait a moment! Back up the train here. The tiny piece of jawbone and the leg bone fragment were pictured. The jawbone didn’t even have any teeth left in it. These small pieces of bone told us all of that!?!?!? The credulity required to believe these jumps-to-conclusion is beyond me. While I am sure that we can learn something from these bones, can we really reconstruct an entire beast from these small pieces? Can we really make assumptions on its ‘evolution,’ its hunting and mating habits, and its physique? It sounds more like a fairy-tales about dragons coming from dinosaur fossils than real science.
The second article explained that men aren’t wired for monogamy. When it comes to cheating on our wives, we just can’t help ourselves: evolution is to blame. "Men sport the longest and thickest penis of all primates", the author tells us. Try not to picture this author in the Congo, chasing down a gorilla with a ruler and calipers. He goes on to say that Homo-sapien women have “pendulous breasts” and “impossible-to-ignore cries of sexual delight.” At this point, I'm definitely following this article. How fun is that? These characteristics, when compared to a few historic nomadic cultures and a species of monkey that likes group sex, proves that men are made for polyamorous relationships so that we spread our seed around. The titillating text of this article made it a fun read, and I’m sure some dumb buffoon of a husband will use it as an excuse next time he gets caught with his wife’s best friend. (I’m pretty sure that my wife ain’t falling for it) But, the simple truth here is that the article is ridiculous in the number of assumptions that it makes. I can’t help but think that the author (a man of course) was building an alibi more than writing a serious book. Perhaps he should try his hand at writing Penthouse Letters instead of scholarly texts.
The final article was a snippet from the new book by Stephen Hawking, explaining that, because of the existence of gravity, the extremely large number of planets in the universe and the likelihood of multiple universes; chance alone explains the creation of something from nothing (the creation of our universe). While Stephen Hawking is a brilliant scientist, far beyond my mental capacity, he begins with the premise that there is not God and therefore, all creation can be explained by chance. Except that it can’t. The logic flaw of ex nihilo creation still exists in a universe of physical laws.
I am not a scientist. I don’t even play one on television. I am a man of faith. That doesn’t mean that I am ignorant or that I throw logic out the window. Quite the opposite, my belief system is based on logic and evidence… up to a point. At that point, I have faith.
I can be honest about that. I’m not sure these guys are able to do that.
The scientific community and the fringe pseudo-science hangers-on would have us believe that all their work is based solely on rationality and demonstrable facts. Yet the truth is, closer examination shows them to be men and women of faith too. They begin with the premise that God does not exist. They begin with the assumption that their idea of evolution is an undeniable fact. They begin with the idea that they have all the necessary knowledge and cannot possibly be mistaken. In their hubris, they miss their own faith, deny their own belief systems, and they presume to instruct us.
These articles, and many other like them, are articles of faith.
I don’t have any problem with science, or even the idea of evolution*, just the lack of intellectual honesty from those who would call themselves intellectuals.
* I do NOT believe that science and religion are incompatible and I stand against those who say, “You just have to have faith,” or “God doesn’t want you to think about these things.” I believe that God gave us our minds and the gift of rational thought. We should use it. I also do not believe that creation and evolution are mutually exclusive. That, of course, is a much longer discussion, but ultimately, I believe that God created the universe, and it was well within His power to use any tools that He desired to make its creatures.