Monday, September 21, 2009

The Keys to the Church

Why do you go to church?

There are probably lots of reasons: worshipping God, seeing friends, learning about the Bible, tradition, getting a break from the kids, comfort, hope, or just a chance to eat some of Carol’s delicious ginger snaps at the hospitality table. All of these are excellent reasons, but I have two more for you to consider that are absolutely key to your walk with Christ.

Ask yourself a question, “What do I remember from last Sunday’s sermon?” Can you remember the scripture that the pastor preached? Can you remember any of his points? Was it inspiring, did it affect your life? Did the communion meditation touch you? If you have kids, did they learn anything in Sunday school?

Transformation is the goal of each of these examples of teaching God’s word, not information. When you study God’s word, it must lead to transformation, to growth within your life. Maybe not every time, but most times, there should be some sort of resulting growth from your encounter with God. This is the proverbial ‘AHA Moment’. The time when God’s Word and His Holy Spirit come together, making you realize that you need to change or grow.

Application is the next step. When you hear God’s Word, you are called to be obedient and do something about it. Scripture is full of action verbs: “make disciples”, “do as I have commanded”, “love one another”, “give generously”, “serve one another”, “use your gifts”. Christian life is not passive pew-sitting on Sundays, but an active way of life throughout your week. What we learn on Sunday transforms us in growth and we apply it throughout the rest of the week.
Transformation and Application go hand in hand. If you don’t come to some sort of transformation then you don’t realize how to apply what you have learned. Even better, as you apply what you have learned, it often leads to more transformation in your life.

Let me strongly encourage you to consider these two keys, Tranformation and Application at your next Bible study or when you come to Church next Sunday. Look at yourself and ask, “Am I growing and am I doing?” Then, make it a point to focus on what you are studying or what the sermon is about. Take notes. Go to lunch afterwards with a friend from the church and discuss the lesson and how to apply it in your lives. Decide together how each of you will apply the lesson this week and then talk about it next week to find out how you did. You will be amazed at how your life changes and at the excitement you will have in your Christian walk.

God loves you for who you are, but He wants you to grow and He wants you to do what His Word says. Take His calling to Transformation and Application seriously and you will have the keys to the church.

Originally written for 'The Mountain View' MVCC Newsletter 09/20/09
Copyright © 2009 Rodger S. Loar ( All rights reserved.

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