Monday, February 1, 2010

Turning 100

So here we are. One hundred blogs. Who knew I had so much to say? (no rude comments please). Yes, I do have a lot to say, and who can help it when you look on this world and see all the weirdness out there.

I started this blog for two reasons: first, it is cathartic for me to write what I am thinking. I observe the world and see issues that need to be discussed, laughed at, or pondered. Secondly, I wanted to work on my story telling ability. Stories are a powerful way to communicate truth. All the more so when you can use humor to take some of the sting out of truth.
I truly appreciate those of you who read these blogs and especially those who offer comments. You may not agree with me on everything, but I hope you understand that you are truly welcome to comment in a friendly and respectful way.
So, what should I write about for my hundredth blog? I think narcissism would be a most excellent topic. What better word to define a blog than that? Most blogs are, in some form or another, the meandering thoughts of one person on the things that they are most interested in. Yes, this one is too. A blog is kind of like a diary that can be read by anyone. So, as the blogger, you write this pseudo-diary always with the idea that someone might be reading it. Therefore, it probably will never be as transparent as a real diary.
If you are still with me here (and obviously, I hope that you are), you may be doubting the purpose of a good blog. Well, stick with me. Narcissism is at the heart of the ills of our world. Our love of self starts young. Babies are absolutely narcissistic. All they care about is their own needs; they don’t even notice that you have needs. Trust me on this one, I have a four month old at home.
As we grow up in society, most of our parents and teachers make an attempt to teach us not to be so self-focused. Your kindergarten teacher likely taught you to share and other teachers made you write reports about world events. But, ultimately, this is almost a losing battle, because the same people are teaching you a contradictory message as they worry about your self esteem.
Self esteem sounds like a good concept. It sucks to be the kid who doesn’t get any valentines, so the teachers make everyone bring in valentines for everyone else. No one likes to lose, so the teachers have games where everyone wins. And, bad grades may make the child feel sad, so they get rid of those pesky ‘F’s. The funny thing about self esteem is that serial killers and other sociopaths have the highest self esteem of anyone. Maybe self esteem is just another form of narcissism.
I believe that the only hope for our day-to-day world is for us to get our eyes off of ourselves and look outward and upward. Obviously, as a pastor, I believe that we need to look to God for our values. But, we also need to look after each other. To grow as a human being, we absolutely must care about others and touch their lives. We have a deep-seated, internal need to help others, in order to be better people ourselves.
The challenge here for each of us must be to immediately begin loving others, even those people that seem unloveable. This must be done in practical, sacrificial ways: giving up part of your paycheck to donate to charities that help people, spending part of our time volunteering, and actively teaching our kids that life is not just about them.
I have personally taken this challenge for myself and I invite you to do the same. A little narcissism, in the form of this blog, isn’t such a bad thing, unless that’s all I do. Get up and join me in doing something to make a difference in this world.
But, don't forget to read my blog next week.

1 comment:

  1. It may be possible for each of us to think too much of his own potential glory hereafter; it is hardly possible for him to think too often or too deeply about that of his neighbour." -CS Lewis from The Weight of Glory

    Thanks for reminding me of truths in your blogs :)



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