Monday, May 3, 2010

Financial Tip # 8 - What is Between Before and After?

You see it all over the internet. It’s in magazines, newspapers, and on television: The Two Picture advertisement. The picture on the right-side shows a very attractive woman. She’s thin, toned, and usually wearing a bikini. Her hair is done up and her makeup is perfect. That’s the “After” shot. The left side, the picture you should have looked at first shows a different woman. She’s not so pretty. She’s fat, wearing frumpy clothes, an out of date hairstyle, and only draws your eye in mockery of the other picture. That’s the “Before” shot. Sometimes these ads use men, in which case you see a dumpy guy with love handles magically transformed into a muscular, ripped hunk who somehow has more hair and got tanned. The suggestion of these advertisements is usually that, if you use the instant diet/fast-working cream/15-minute program/etc. that they are selling, you too will go from bumpy to beautiful in no time at all.
Let’s be honest here. Life just doesn’t work that way. There are NO magic potions. No matter what you choose to lose weight, there is pain and work involved if you really want to lose the weight. I have a friend, Danny, who used to weigh close to 500 pounds. It took him about three years of working out and eating healthy to reach a healthy and muscular 250 pounds. He now helps other people do the same. He’ll tell you that there aren’t any magic potions or pill, just will-power, accountability, discipline, effort, and time. Personally, I have struggled with weight and have taken almost four years to lose 70 pounds. That’s four years of struggle, falling down and getting back up, eating right, working out, etc.
This brings us to our financial tip of today: There is space between the before and after. If you want to have a relatively secure financial situation, it takes work. If you want to be wealthy, you have to have discipline. If you want to be in control of your money it takes effort. If you want to be debt free and no longer a slave to your creditors, it takes time. There are plenty of books, cd's, and programs that promise you get-rich-quick ideas, but these just don't generally work. It takes real work to get there.
Hard work is not a four-letter word (yes, I know it is two four letter words). Discipline didn’t use to be a bad word. Our culture has become saturated by get rich quick schemes. Microwave food, fast food restaurants, instant financing, quick money making opportunities… Now, now, now. The problem is, this type of attitude just doesn’t work for most people. Sure, some people do hit that big idea that turns them into an instant millionaire. But, most of your millionaires didn’t get there that way.
I’m not a millionaire. I’m just a guy who sees the pain and suffering that friends and family suffer in the throws of debt and I know there is a better way. It just takes hard work.
Don’t be afraid to sit down and look at your real financial situation. It’s like taking out a camera and taking your before shot. Your finances may be bumpy, ugly, and not something you want to look at; but, with brutal honest, hard work, accountability, and discipline, you can have sexy finances too. Not through magic potions, but through work.
Hard work and discipline worked for our grandparents, getting them through the Great Depression. It works for immigrants and refugees who come here with nothing. Let it work for you too.
Just remember, it takes time to get from Before to After.
Proverbs 13:11 - Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.
Disclaimer: I am not a trained financial advisor, I just play one on this blog. Seriously. Get good financial advice in life. My information comes primarily from personal experience, working in consumer lending in the banking industry, and watching friends, family, and parishioners struggle. But, much of this is common sense; most people just don't use their common sense when it comes to financial matters.

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