Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dream Come True

This blog originally posted Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Current mood: crazy Category: Games

OK - Just about the coolest thing ever (for me at least). This last Saturday, I got to compete in the Caber Toss (wearing my kilt no less). Our school was playing our local rival in the 'Man Olympics'. We pretty much got wiped from the board, losing most of the events. I don't care. I got to toss the caber and that's pretty much the coolest. Not only did I do it, but I did it well. Full end over end, landing completely perpendicular to me, which is the highest score you can get. It wasn't a full caber, which is a round post that is normally 17 to 22 feet tall. This one was only 14 feet, but I guess that is an OK start for people who have never done it before.

If you haven't ever seen a caber toss, there is a picture at

You can also try your hand at the caber toss online game at

I got to see a really cool caber toss demo at the highland games here in town several years ago. The winner was a woman (believe it or not). She was built like a piece of industrial farm machinery, with shaggy long red hair and a face that looked like someone had played a highland drum tattoo on it with an ugly stick. She had arms that would do a defensive lineman justice and legs as big around as the caber itself. I think they modelled the orcs from the Lord of the Rings on her. She won the Rock Throwing event as well. Not a pretty sight but definitely impressive. Made all the little 6'4" 300 pound men look tiny. I guess a life eating haggis can really do a number on you.

I will definitely be tossing the caber again next year if they have the event again. Maybe someday, I can get to go to Scotland and see the real thing. I'd even eat haggis.

PS - Not sure what haggis is? Check this out:
Ok, that's a joke. Here is what Haggis really is:

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