Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ten Books of the Bible that are Worth Your Time to Read

Ten Books of the Bible that are worth your time to read.
If you didn’t know it, the Bible is not one book. It is a library of 66 books that tell God’s story collectively. The books are written in three different original languages over a span of 1600 years by more than forty men on three different continents. These books were written by scholars, prophets, shepherds, fishermen, generals, physicians, tax collectors, tentmakers, prisoners, servants, and rabbis.
Though I would say the entire Bible is worth reading, I have included below some recommended books that are definitely worth your time to read.
Number 10: The Gospel of Luke. This is the longest of the Gospels. It was written by Luke, a Physician assigned to research the eyewitness testimonies of Jesus and his ministry. It contains the most information about Jesus.
Number 9: Judges. I recommend this book regularly to Junior High boys when they tell me it is boring to read the Bible (as a Junior High boy, everything is boring if it requires reading). This book is great for boys because it has swords, battles, blood and guts, tentpegs through the skull, daggers in the belly, and people chopped to pieces. It’s like an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie without the bad accent.
Number 8: Esther. I recommend this book to every Junior High or High School Girl that I ever meet. It’s a great book to show that a girl can be brave and do amazing things for God. It’s one of my favorites too, because it contains the greatest ironic plot twist ever. It’ll leave you cheering for the good guys.
Number 7: James. This is an awesome book for all Christians because it is a call to put your faith in action. No sitting on your butt in pews in this book. Get off your freakin duff and do God’s work.
Number 6: Proverbs. Because we all need some wisdom. This is a great book to read in a month because it has 31 chapters. Read one chapter a day and I guarantee you’ll be wiser by the end of the month. It has great advice on money, laziness, gossip, and marriage, as well as information on running a kingdom (that could certainly be applied in the business world.) Check out some of my favorites: Proverbs 21:9, Proverbs 26:15, Proverbs 26:11, and my favorite life verse as a husband: Proverbs 5:18-19.
Number 5: 1 Corinthians. Corinth was a place in ancient Greece that was like Las Vegas today. I like this book because these people were way more screwed up than me. It give me hope.
Number 4: Ezekiel. Strange book. Strange prophet. Ezekiel was a priest and prophet who God made do some strange things in order to get the message across. He got to play army men, he packed his bags and dug a whole through the city wall and took his luggage out that way, he laid on his side for a long time, he ran around the city waiving a sword at some hair, he baked a poop cake (see: http://rodg3r.blogspot.com/2009/09/continuing-with-my-top-10-for-10-days.html number 1). It had to be fun to be a Hebrew then, “I wonder what crazy old Zeke is gonna do today?”
Number 3: Galatians. This is a great book about grace, about freedom from religiousity, about freedom from adding a bunch of rules to your faith.
Number 2: Ecclesiastes. A great book that showed they had postmodernism back then too. The king realizes that life is pointless if we are all just going to die anyway, so he tries to find meaning. He tries partying till his head hurts, sex till that got old, shopping like crazy, working his butt off, learning and education until his brain was full, and doing great public works and charity. All still seemed pointless until he realized that we need God to make it all mean something.
Number 1: John. Now be careful here. There are actually four books of John: the Gospel of John, 1John, 2John, and 3John. I am recommending the Gospel of John here. John was the youngest of Jesus’ disciples and wrote his eyewitness testimony in hopes that we would read it and believe in Jesus. A great book and great news inside.
I invite you to check out these books and many of the others. Ephesians and Romans are good instructions on the Christian life. Revelation is interesting just because of some of the weird stuff in there. Joshua is a good adventure story. Isaiah has lots of prophecy that came true later. Amos is all about justice. Matthew and Mark tell you more about Jesus. Acts tells you about the beginnings of the church. Trust me, there is lots of great stuff in there if you just check it out.
If you are interested in going through any of these books together, let me know. Not only is it my job, but it is something I love to do.
Tomorrow: The last and final installment of this Top 10 in 10 Days series: Ten Things I Wish for the Church.


  1. Nice, great overview! Now I feel the need to go and find out how to make a poop cake... I wonder if they had icing back then??

  2. W00t! Esther made the top ten! My favorite OT book.


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